Breaking News


PoliticsNG Group is an online News Platform with headquarters located in the western part of Nigeria, Lagos. The Group maintains only one news website – Since its debut on Nigeria’s news stand, the  web editions have unarguably performed creditably well.

As a business, you might have very good products and services, but a key challenge is getting these products and services to the target audience. We invite you to take advantage of our diverse online platforms to extend your reach by using our online media to advertise your products.
We present the following new media opportunities to enable you gain worthwhile edge over competition.

(1) our most popular platform, presents news in English Language.

(2) enables our teeming readers to read their favorite  news on mobile platforms (phones and tablets)

 These online infrastructures are strategically positioned to help you achieve the following:

• Increase your online visibility to target audience in and out of Nigeria

• Attract local and international clients

• Generate leads and increase revenue

On monthly basis, records an average of 1.2 million unique visits (Mostly Nigerians) (Google Analytics) from different age groups from Nigeria and overseas. Detailed traffic analysis is available on request to enable you achieve better targeting and positioning of your media campaigns.
Our advert application enables you to place your advert on any of our platforms and pay right from the comfort of your home or office.

For further information on online adverts, contact us on:

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